Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mechanical pencil method 1

  1. Use with a Bic or any other clear mechanical pencil. Write notes in a line on a piece of durable paper (Ex. printer paper, lined notebook paper will rip). Take a strip of tape, place it over the line of notes, press down over the writing, lift tape off the paper (the pencil lead comes off with the tape). Now simply place the tape on the pencil and you have notes only readable by you! (to read, turn the pencil and the way the light shines through the pencil reveals the writing.
  2. This will only work for writing utensils, such as mechanical pencils or pens, with a clear body (the tube containing lead or ink.) You can take a slip of paper and write (or print) up definitions, formulas, etc. Then position it to wrap around the inside of the pencil. Since the tube is transparent, you can rotate it in your hand to cheat conveniently. To make it look less noticeable, write or type whatever you need to remember for an exam in its corresponding color.b

1 comment:

  1. These methods require a level of dexterity such that one should consider dental school as a realistic career choice (or, if you are in medical school, consider getting a residency in an area of surgery) if they can successfully pull them off...
