Correction Tape Method
Write your notes on correction tape, then roll it back into the
dispenser. When you need the notes, simply act as if you're correcting
mistakes and read the notes!
Another Calculator Method
If you have a graphing calculator that you're allowed to use, type
notes into it. Put it in your pocket. Borrow another calculator from
someone the day of the test. When the proctor comes around to clear
them, let them clear your friend's calculator. When the proctor isn't
looking, switch the calculators!
When It Comes To Getting Caught
Be careful and always be aware of where the teacher is looking; no
method of cheating is successful if the teacher is looking right at you
while you hold the notes in your hand and are frantically copying them
onto the test. Also, be aware of what your colleagues are doing, as they
would love to notify your professor or your dean of your actions. If it
should ever come to that, and you know no one has no proof whatsoever
that you cheated: deny, deny, deny! (Convince yourself as well as your
adversaries you did not cheat, remaining firm and confident.) As long as
they can not prove it but can only wonder or hear someone else's words
against your own, you're in the clear. Don't get caught often though, or
the authorities will get suspicious. The best policy is not to cheat.
Locker Combination Method
This method was not mentioned above, and it will most likely only
work on a math test. You will need something to write with and on. Group
your answers and on the paper, write
Lock #1 (the # represents
the set of 3 problems you want answers for, so if you wanted answers for
problems 4 to 6 on your test, you would write Lock #2,and so on) and
write 3 test answers, and separate them with commas. For example, if my
first set of answers were 135, 23, and 56, I would write something like
Lock #1- 135,23, 56,
so if someone looks through my bag or if someone looks at me while I am
looking at my answers, they will only think that's a lock combination
of mine at school, or wherever; when its really answers to my first 3
problems on my exam that my teachers going to give back to me tomorrow!
If anyone asks about the big numbers, just say you
accidentally misplaced a comma. Be sure to have your answers memorized before the test.
Lastly, this will only work if you are given the same exact test in 2
or more sessions. And don't forget to write down the questions you need
on a scrap of paper or on your hand (if someone questions, just say its
your after school plans, or locker combo like before). Hand is better
because the teacher may question the torn paper off the test. If you
have to tear paper off the test, just say it was given to you like that
Clear Pencil Case and Index Card Method
Buy a clear pencil case and 5x8 index cards. Write on the index cards
and stick them in the pencil case. During the test, just turn the
pencil case over without looking when the teacher comes around.
The Girls Only Method
- Takes a bit of planning and is a bit gross, but if you're desperate,
you're desperate. Ask to get out of an exam to go to the toilet. If
they say no then say subtly to a woman invigilator you need to change
your pad (make sure you're not on your period that day, thats a bit
gross). Earlier on, you will have written down notes on a sanitary pad,
and put this one on. If you need more notes then write them on a new pad
and wrap it back up. When in the bathroom (if it's a real exam the
invigilator will probably escort you) look at the pad you have on and
quickly memorize it. Then change it, put it in the bin, and replace it
with the pad that has more notes. Memorize them quickly and then come
out of the toilet as if nothing is wrong. Go back to the exam and
scribble down the answers.
- Hide the answers in your bra. During the test, fiddle with your
shirt and look down to see the answers or notes. No teacher will dare
call you out!
Eye Glasses Method
- If you have glasses take a bit of paper, write your notes on it,
fold it up and put it in the hinge. When you need them take off your
glasses and take the paper, unfold it, If the teacher ask what you're
doing say your hinge has a gap and is 'Un-even' and you're adjusting the
- Then when done fold it back up put it back and continue.
- Throw out the paper later on.
Paper on back of Desk Method
- Write a cheat sheet and stick it onto the back of the desk in front
of you! If your teacher comes by, slide the test up towards the front of
your desk, so the cheat sheet is concealed.
Toilet Paper Method
- Write your notes on toilet paper, sneak it into your pocket, ask to
go to the washroom. Take out your toilet paper and stick it to your
shoe, but keep the written side facing down. When someone tells you
about the paper, check your notes when no-one is looking then throw it
Thigh Method
- This works best when it is summer and you are wearing a short dress
or short pants. Simply write your notes on your thigh and lift your
pants or skirt up to view the notes. Make sure not to make it to
Answer Key Method
You will need a pen 1. The day before the test, visit your teacher to
"get some extra help" 2. If the teacher was grading tests before your
visit, he/she might leave an answer key on his/her desk. 3. If (and most
likely when) the teacher leaves the room, gets distracted, answers
phone, etc., sneak a peek at the answer key. 4. Using your pen, record
on your hand, arm, piece of paper, the answers to the test starting at
the first question. 5. Be careful, and safe cheating! Tips/Warnings 1.
Be careful. The teacher may have put out the wrong answer key to trick
you. To be 100% sure it was the right key, while taking the test, read
each answer choice to a question, and see if it makes sense to what you
wrote. If so, happy cheating! 2. Remember that when you are copying off
the answer key, you write down the number of the question followed by
the answer to avoid confusion. 3. If the teacher will not leave, say
him/her random things to read the key. Say things like "I like that
bracelet" or "Did you get an e-mail from me" to keep the teacher
distracted. Another smart, but risky idea is to get her phone number
from somebody. Use a cell phone to call her number and keep her
Under paper method
- Make sure your teacher is not walking around like usual. Do this
when the teacher is on his/her classroom computer not paying attention
to the students.
- Take out your notes once your start the test/quiz.
- Hide your notes under your test/quiz
- Peek under your quiz at your notes.
Shorts method
- Wear shorts the day you take a test. Write the answers on your shorts. Pretend to itch your thighs, and write down the notes.
The Torn Out Page Method
- Tear out the page(s) with all the necessary information on for the test out of your textbook at home.
- Tell your teacher the next day that the piece of paper got torn out of your textbook by your brother/sister or pet.
- When it's time for the test to start, slip the torn out page under your desk and put it under your feet.
- Look under your desk under your feet when you need information.
Don't look at it too much, or your teacher might catch you, and you'd
have to pay a fine to the school.
Spy Earpiece Method
- One of the latest most popular methods of cheating in exams is with
usage of a bluetooth spy earpiece] and an inductive transmitter. This
involves wearing a tiny micro earpiece that sits hidden inside the
earchannel. This will wirelessly connect to an inductive transmitter
which is hidden on your person somewhere, usually a neckloop to be worn
under the clothes or even a bluetooth pen or stylish glasses! The
inductive transmitter will in turn connect to a mobile phone or MP3
player in your pocket.
- So like the MP3 player method above you can record information and
play it back to yourself, the difference being there is no wired
earphone, if you go for the bluetooth option then the connection is
completely wireless and undetectable. The other option is to make a call
before you enter your exam, then communicate with someone via the
earpiece and a microphone that is built into the inductive transmitter.
- You could even look into pairing a Bluetooth Spy Earpiece with a
pinhole camera so that a third party can see the exam and tell you the
Watch Method
Buy a watch that has a lid. Tape a piece of paper with your notes
onto the watch. Pretend to check the time. This works best on timed
tests. Teachers will just think that you are checking the time.