The Mechanical Pencil Trick
- Get an opaque mechanical pencil which takes in about 0.7 lead or
thicker. Write all your notes on a single piece of paper and roll it up.
Pop out the eraser from the pencil and slide your notes in. So whenever
you need to look at some notes, pretend that you're changing the lead
and sneak a peak at the notes. This works well because a teacher isn't
going to look inside your pencil for cheat notes...
- Clear Binder: If you have a test where you can have a binder
present, use a clear one. Slip the answers under the bind (the clear
part), then press hard down on the binder.
- Male or female: this will work. Write your test answers on
the patch of your skin that lies under the elastic band of your boxers,
tightly-whities, bathing suit, or whatever you desire to wear under your
pants. If a teacher asks you to lower the elastic band and reveal the
answers, an obvious retort would be: "Are you serious?!?! I'm pretty
sure that what you just asked me to do is illegal for a teacher to ask.
It's very personal, by the way." Look shocked or else they will be very
- The Watch Cheat: This works best with the watches with a
metal band that folds into three pieces and clips together. Take your
watch off, and on the inside of the clasp (the parts you can't see when
it's closed, but NOT the part against your wrist because it will wear
off) you have room to write small notes/formula/whatever with a thin
mechanical pencil. Just take your watch off and sit it on your desk, or
play with it pretending to think. It can't be seen while you have the
watch on, and you can just wipe the notes off with your finger to
destroy the evidence.
- The Hidden Leg Style (most preferable for students who wear pants):
This is really helpful for long essay tests. If you already know what
the exam will be but don't know how to answer a long essay, print or
write the answer on a long or short bond paper. Before you go to your
school or university, wrap the bond paper that you printed around your
legs then tape it at both ends but be sure that you can twist the bond
paper for you to read the other parts. When the test have started, make
your legs to shape like a #4 with the cheating leg on the top then
easily pull the part of your pants that covers the bond paper. When the
teacher or professor goes around to check, just change the position of
your legs or sit down normally and the part of the pants that hides the
paper will automatically go down and cover the paper again.
- The Invisible Ink: (suggested for people who know that they
will be taking their exams in their own classroom): Using security ink
that shows up under UV light, write your cheats on the wall before the
exam starts (make sure that the wall that you'll be writing on has a
small column near it and is discreet, for example below desk level).
When you get stuck, focus a UV torch on the invisible ink, and your
answer is revealed. Your friends could also bring torches to view the
same answers (but ensure you don't tell anyone who is likely to snitch
on you if they are caught).
- In-Pen Trick: (works best if the teacher uses study carols or
dividers to keep you from cheating off each other) You will need a pen
with a see-through body so you are able to see the ink cartridge. Print a
study guide or small cheat sheet in very small font, but not too small
that the writing is illegible (size 6 or 7 is recommended). Next,
dismantle the pen and tape the cheat sheet on the inside circumference
of the pen's body. Put the pen together again. You should be able to see
the cheat sheet inside the pen, if you cannot, disassemble the pen and
replace the paper until you can see it.
- The Shoe Trick: (This works best if you have shoes you
dislike or on Converse that you enjoy writing on.) First, you have to
put everything you need to know on the sole or the side of your shoe
(the side that if your crossing your legs, you can view) When you are
taking the test, act like your crossing you legs (the way the men do it)
and look at the side of your shoe. Then when a teacher is walking past,
put your leg down.
- Skirt Trick 1: (FOR GIRLS WITH SKIRTS) All you have to do is
write what you need on your leg where it is covered by your skirt. Slide
it up during the test. Teachers cannot ask a girl to lift her skirt up
to reveal what you wrote.
- Skirt Trick 2: (FOR GIRLS WITH SKIRTS) This works best with
short skirts. Write the answers on a piece of paper or cloth and pin
them to the inside of your skirt. Lift it up when nobody is watching,
and you have your answers. Even if you are "caught" no teacher,
especially a male one, is going to ask you to show your "answers".
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