Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Calculator Notes Cheat

This only works for tests in which you know you will need (and are allowed) to use a calculator. It also only works when your calculator comes with a nice little plastic "case" (which is actually not a case at all, but a piece of plastic that only protects one side of the calculator, but you get the point). Anyway, sometime before you actually take the test (the night before, for example, when you could be studying) write some notes on one or two scraps of paper (that's the professionally recommended dosage), focusing on answers, formulas, definitions, etc., that you know you have to know but obviously don't know because you're having to cheat. Place the notes in the so-called case and simply attach the calculator in its place, and voila, the notes are concealed. When you need them on the test, simply remove the calculator, look at the notes and pretend to be using the calculator (and probably you will be, on a test involving formulas and such); be aware of how often you remove and replace the calculator into its case. If the teacher is there, he or she might notice the persistent snapping of the calculator. To get by this, you can always sneak the notes onto your desk, or on your chair, in between your legs, but once you do this, there really isn't any turning back.

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